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I am a traveller and

                 my life is a journey.


                    My first journey started when I was 10 years old, by desire of my parents. They are open minded and passionate people, who wanted their daughter to have wide perspective on the world. I left my family in South Korea and came over to Tennessee, United States and in 1999. I started to go to elementary school in Tennessee. Everything that I saw and felt even smelled was different. But I had to figure out myself how to adapt, accept, and act in a different culture to become a open minded person. And that first travel totally changed my life and still affects me now. After I finished elementary school, my parents brought me back to South Korea. They thought I could not miss Korean culture too. So I went to international language school in South Korea.


                   After I graduated high school, my second journey began to Iowa, United States. It was for undergraduate college. I went to University of Iowa and majored in Political Science. At that time, I wanted to become a lawyer. My father who runs a construction company in South Korea, had a law department. Every time when he had any problem with employees or clients, lawyers helped him out. So I dreamed of becoming a lawyer and helping my dad. However, when I started junior year in college, I began to dream about becoming a designer. I always had been interested in art because of my uncle who raised me when I was in elementary school in Tennessee. He was an art lover, and collector and I was influenced by him. In that junior year, I really faced what I wanted to do. So I decided to become a designer.


                     After I graduated college, I went back to South Korea and started to learn drawing in an art institute. During that period, I found my interest in interior spaces. Since I travelled a lot, I often had a dream starting from my room in United States and with a long tunnel connected to my room in Korea. Maybe this dream reflected how much I missed my family and friends in Korea. After I woke up from this dream, I always checked where I was and came back to reality. As a person who has sensitive emotions and spends a lot of time alone, my physical space was a way for me to come back to reality. I started to hope if a space can be a key to get back from a dream, I wanted my first sight of reality to be gentle and sophisticated. Since then I wanted to make a difference to interior spaces in this world to make others happy. When they are in spaces where I designed. I am enjoying myself learning skills and spread out my dream as an interior designer in Academy of Art University. Now I can say I am happy. And now I am no longer afraid of my journey. I am excited about my next journey, which can help me spreading my dreams to the world.

© 2015 By Dahean Lee

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